anonymous pigeon · 1y

do you have any idea why people seem hating on feminine stuffs these days? tbh im one of them and.. i feel so.. idk? sad? upset?

hello, my sweetest star. women had always been traditionally viewed as weaker and belong in a lower social status than men, unfortunately, for centuries. these practices of thought and values had shaped our mindset into associating anything feminine with a sign of being weak and unintelligent. the internalized misogyny makes us think that being a woman is uncool, flimsy, and lame. thus, many people in our current generarion do not want to be described or perceived as something they think as abhorrent. people do not want to be a character they think everyone is hating, even at the cost of losing a part of themselves they hold so deay. liking feminine stuffs is empowering, that could be our way to fight all the internalized misogyny that had been imprinted in our head for so long. keep being you, i hope you find strength in deciding which kind of life and decision you’re making 💗

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