anon-beam · 7mo

kak cheliaaaa thank you banget banget bangettttttttt for the amazing story aaaaa aku suka bangettttt 😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶 the ending is exactly like what i expected; rin and sae won’t let bachira go, ever, and they both being so possessive and egoist are so…. hot 🥵 i can’t stop rereading it because it’s that good!!
semoga sihat sihat dan ceria terus kak cheliaa 💛 have a great dayy

aaa senang dengarnya kalau ending ceritanya sesuai sama ekspektasi kamu, dearest anon! i really wanted to show how alike they are as siblings, even in how they handle their feelings towards someone they love, so it’s awesome that you picked up on that too. dan chimakasi juga untuk doa baiknya, aku akan doakan semoga mantul dengan kekuatan super kembali ke kamu okik 🍜

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