Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Hwhwhw, kangen ga? Kangen dong~ ngarep
Yah, sebenarnya gua juga bingung sih kalau disuruh jabarin bagian 'lucu'nya lu tuh gimana. I guess I found the way you talked about Genshin is adorable (walaupun gua ga paham game-nya). Jadi, gua harap, akhir tahun ini will be kinder to you, and the new year will be brighter than ever. Amen. Mam jangan lupa, oke? 👍🏻 - B
Kangen ofc, udah lama banget gak nongol soalnya hahaha. I thought you completely disappeared already.
Wow, after I think about it, I mostly trash talking about Genshin? 😂 But thanks B, this honesty brings a smile to my face padahal lagi hujan ini. December has been treating me well so far, I hope the last moment of 2024 be a memorable one for you, too. Aman, mam gak pernah skip wkwkwk likewise!
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