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catboy · 3y

what are some of your like. Ideal roles for tamafumi

i dont actually have roles for them (apart from the sheer copium im inhaling for eurydice tamao orpheus fumi), but i do however, have vibes.

i want to see them play a betrayal. something where the bond between their roles are as strong as steel to make the betrayal sting harder. being so close and in tune with each other, playing something like this could be a challenge. or just an interaction id like to see.

on the same wavelength, more stories that are like tsu the crane. a grateful magical being that does not want its secret found out. something to that effect.

also i want them to play villains. maybe something like sweeney todd. thatd be fun. or even retreading old ground, the queen of hearts.

i could probably give more concise answers if i had more time to think and reread some stuff.

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