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The lover who hesitates · 4mo

What is your love language?

Another heartwarming question! It’s always interesting whenever someone asks me about my love languages. I think, I feel loved when someone can express their feelings to me through affectionate gestures—physical touch is what they call it, perhaps. But when it comes to expressing my love for others, I might fall into the category of Words of Affirmation and sharing food as a love language.

What I’m trying to say here is I would never mind splitting my apple in half for someone I cherish. I would slip a tangerine slice into their mouth if they were too tired to do so themselves. I would remind my loved ones to eat and cook for them, even. I would feed them my mother’s cooking (because my mother is the best cook). I would cut up mangoes into cubes for them. I would constantly ask, “Have you eaten yet?” because to eat is to survive. I love you, and I want you to eat well. Let’s sit together and eat with me. It doesn’t matter that I’ve already eaten. I will eat again if it means sharing the meal with you and making you feel loved.

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