Sweetums · 7mo

a little curious, what does ‘vousmereves’ mean to you??

My absolute favorite question! I have eagerly awaited inquiries like this to come my way. So, vousmereves—originating from the French ‘vous me rêvez’ or ‘vous me rêves’—translates to ‘You dream me’ or more expansively, ‘You dream of me.’ This expression encapsulates the notion of being someone’s dream or the focus of their pursuit. The sense of it. I am unwavering in my commitment to always give my best, guided by the principle of ‘aspire to inspire’ since I was a kid. I yearn to be admired, to inspire, and to be the central figure in someone’s dream. The intense desire to be pursued deeply resonates within me.

In essence, vousmereves to me, derived from ‘vous me rêves’ meaning ‘You dream of me,’ embodies my aspiration of becoming someone’s dream, fostering growth, and leading towards improvement. I genuinely hope someone chooses me as their dream, as someone who nurtures and guides towards a better direction (following the law of meliorism). Does this abundantly satisfy your curiosity, darl? My sincere apologies if my explanation causes any confusion.

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