Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Serenitian · 11mo

6 which os will be in 2010s
7 which os will be in 2050s
8 which os will be in 22nd century
9 which os will be in 2500s
10 which os will be in 2000s

If you are talking about my OSM#1:
6. Khaghalt Gemini, Vectorize Mojave, Spiritus 2010, Windows Codename Seasons, Windows Farenheit
7. Windows Culminate, Project: Tetherline, Khaghalt Offshore
8. Windows 2100, Khaghalt Cascadence, VanadiumSYS X, Greenial
10. Khaghalt Milleniaris, Windows Subic Bay, Windows Tethys, Windows Saturn, Vectorize Cobalt, Gamma 4

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