Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Catto · 6mo

It's me again, Kale. Thank you for answering my Retro and I'm glad to hear that you are okay, I hope you always good no matter what ya you have my blessed behind. Iya Kale, we haven't talked for so long and I just want to check up on you bisa ngobrol disini sama kamu more than enough Kale, be happy.

Thank you so much anon, you really made my day. Please always be good too, I hope the best for everything you do. And, it means a lot that you checked up on me. Oh iya? Is there no chance to talk anywhere else besides here? If you want, I'm always happy to talk to you again. But if you still prefer to talk only here, that's fine too. Thanks again for the song, please be happy. Everyone loves whenever you smile.

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