Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Alham Hartigan. · 2 answers · 6mo

kalau punya teman yang bebal banget dikasih taunya, padahal pacarnya yang baru itu toxic parah. harus gimana ya?

harus pamit undur diri, jangan kasih masukan lagi. soalnya mau gimana pun tuh mereka engga mau dengerin kita, yang ada malah ngamuk ke kita

I know it made you sad to see your friend getting tangled in situations that hurt them and it is also very frustrating to have this kind of friend when they do not listen, I get that. But you need to remember that is not your job as their friend to control their life. Let them experience at their own pace and support every decision they make. They must have reasons why they could not leave, it is very common in an abusive relationship. You, as the friend should have just support them unconditionally and not ordering them around when we were never in their shoes.

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