Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 4mo

I wanna be the guy investigating all these disappearances. Looking for clues, for traces of the killer, hard to do when it's a pred who eats them whole. Just when I find the last clue, that this is no killer but a hungry predator, my heart skipping a beat at the thought... Hear the door click behind me. My investigation cut short, the same way all these prey ended: down your gullet and digested into belly and ass fat.

You: Deeply embroiled in a hard edged murder mystery, every twist and turn of the case darker than night, the horror of it tearing you apart psychologically as you try to uncover the terrifying truth behind it all

Me: Chilling with some tunes, checking the time, deciding it's time for a snack

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