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Darvielo · 10 answers · 6mo

what's ur comfort midnight food/snack?

🎀📝 · 2 answers · 10d

do you guys happen to have specific ideal type?

I never really thought about it. Now that I was asked, maybe someone who's generally kind and knows to carry themselves well..? The answer might be ambiguous but I guess it's okay.

Darvielo · 8 answers · 6mo

how's ur 1/366 going so far?

It was totally alright, I suppose? I just do things I usually did at home and clean the house before treat myself with delivery foods.

Aria Blaise · 13 answers · 6mo

Lebih suka snack asin atau manis?? 🥨🍦🍬

🎀📝 · 16 answers · 6mo

Can anyone recommend me a movie/series to watch?

If you fancy a series with a friendship as one of its attraction, then I recommend you to watch Hospital Playlist. It's about five doctors (they are best friends) that work under the same hospital. You might grow into liking it if the series suits your taste.

Aria Blaise · 7 answers · 6mo

Kalian punya ga satu atau dua warna baju yang kalian nilai cocok banget sama warna kulit kalian? Kalau ada warna apa tuu?? 👀

I think any colour that lean to warm tone always look the best on me. But personally, I like to wear clothes with soft pink and yellow mustard especially when the weather is just nice.

Aria Blaise · 6mo

Hello, Rieta! 🗯 I have a question to initiate our friendship and satisfy my curiosity 👀 If you could witness any event in history, what would it be? 🧚‍♀️

Hai, Aria! I feel like there is no specific event in mind when I read the question because my lack of knowledge about history in general. T____T But, I thought it would be amazing if I can witness our country independence with my own two eyes.

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