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🌈 pickles · 2 answers · 2mo

im doing that one trend im desperate for attention anyways What do you guys associate me with Le Kek

Cyber blue, Tom Jones, AVGN, RvB, also bright stuff. And cats and glam metal and Minecraft and Skyrim and Metal Gear and maybe everything I've talked about with you and your Batman collection I still need a tour of also you make me stay up late. Miss you

Pale colors, neon colors + black as well. The woods. Skyrim, RVB, AVGN, Gaming in general you’re a gaming guy. Pickles. Metal. Fallout. Demoman. All your yumes basically whenever i see them. Apocalyptic worlds. Zombies. Rain hitting the windows in the morning when its still dark out. Especially at cabins. Campfires. Horror stories. Werewolves. Making men butch lesbians. Gay men. Rainbows and animal jam emojis

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