Baby anon · 4mo

okay I have such a dumb question but I’m curious! I had no idea you were active in the 5fw st4y community until I just got one of your 5fw pieces on my Instagram explore page— I was wondering if you’ve ever gotten flack from the 5fw side of st4y twt for being on both sides of it? just with how puritanical they can be I don’t want you to have gotten hate or anything. I find 5fw kinda scary

Well, I don't really hide this acc cus you'all know i keep my name, my signature and my style and i guess its pretty recognizable, but no one from sfvv has pointed this out to me (yet).
Ngl there are times when I think about it and wonder if one day someone will cancel me for it but anygays i'll do what a want and makes me happy!!

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