anon · 10mo

Are you happier since you've left the emo-dog community?

very much so !!!!!! things are so much more relaxed and chill. people aren't scared to be themselves and the atmosphere is so much more positive. in the emo dog community it felt like everyone secretly hated eachother, always looking for something to tear the other down with. i don't feel that in the SLIGHTEST here. this community may be "weird" and full of "freaks" but i think it's healthy! to let people be themselves if they're not hurting anybody. what people do online only reflects a tiny bit of who they are overall, and i choose to believe most people are good, and want to do good. so i don't care what people draw or how they express themselves. im much happier this way. people, at the end of the day, are responsible for how they act, not media. so let people create what they want. the emo dog community was very against that notion, so im glad im out of it.

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