anon Β· 4mo

Tips for getting into πŸ•Šβš°οΈπŸ–πŸŒˆ community??
I was recently canceled for being proship LMAO and I wanna find cool ppl who believe in drawing whatever the hell u want

comment on βš°οΈπŸ•Š art !! i think most ppl r looking to get more moots over here so comment so ppl can see u !! maybe draw some fanart for a proship or sum gift art for the ppl u follow..!! i’ve noticed ppl r WAY less picky abt who they follow here and just wanna collect all the likeminded friends .. regardless of what u post. so it’s not hard at all !! i always try to make my art (besides sfw c0mms) nsfwish in some way so it catches the eye of the right people, that also helps !

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