Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

kitty · 10mo

I hesitated because I wanted to put that on twitter at first but in the same time, I'm afraid it would only start an unnecessary drama which is what I really don't want to. I just want to say that your haters should remember it is free arts actually. Seriously people, you're free to not love it but you're seeing free arts, so basically, you're acting like some Karens or some spoiled brats. You're not paying anything, and shiio owes you nothing. Twitter have some wonderful features allowing you to either mute or block someone if you don't want to read them or interact with them. And yall need to surround yourself with more positivity instead of harassing an artist. Yall could even grab a pen and start learning how to draw so yall can make yourself your own fanarts. Anyway, that was all, sorry to put that on your ask shiio.

wow that's a lot😭 thanks! you are right, people really forgot about block and mute button lately, if you don't like something that's you deal and you can just avoid it, not harass and insult a person. but for some reason, people just enjoy acting like some school bullies or something 😭

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