Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Adaloml · 10mo

hello! Well I'm a little late and I know it's been a while since you've been harassed for stupid fandom reasons i haven't been on Twitter for a while, but I just wanted to tell you not to be discouraged! your art is very beautiful and those people who said otherwise are just jealous For stupid reasons, I'm an aeon stan who isn't a multishipper but when I don't want to see other content that I don't like I simply silence the person or the word of the ship, I'm sorry that you've been harassed by ppl who can't handle other ships, the "funniest" thing is that from what I saw you didn't even post art from other Re ships, you only posted ocxcanon art lol, people have to learn to live with other things that they don't like around them and not be a weirdo with other ppl.Your art is very beautiful and the leon you recently posted is perfect, thank you sm for posting such beautiful drawings and I hope you get out of your art block as soon as possible🙏💕 and sorry if this message seemed a little confusing I'm not a very good English speaker hehe and also sorry if this text is too big😁

hi!! thank you for this, i really appreciate that you write all of this for me..😭 yes, i never did posted or drawn any other re ships except aeon idk why people mad. even if i did, hate because of the pixels is stupid and childish, this fandom is crazy🫡 anyway, thank you again and have a good day🩷

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