Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

secret admirers · 6mo

Hey don't look down on your writing so much :( I like it and the only person you have to please is yourself. You'll grow so much an look back and wonder hoe you made it so far but please don't put yourself down :( writing initself can be hard and you're doing it which already puts you a ahead

omg first of all i really appreciate you going out of your way to say this 🫶🏽

secondly, please don’t worry!! i’m really not looking down on my writing, i acknowledge that it’s something that doesn’t come naturally to me, and that i tend to struggle with but i am very proud of how far i’ve come since i first started!!! my post was more just me being embarrassed about being in a space full of real writers bc sometimes i feel like i stand out, BUT i enjoy doing it too much to stop. i really do appreciate your words though, they seriously mean so much and i think i’ll try to remember them next time i feel that way 💗💗

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