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secret admirers · 6mo

when considering scents, are you thinking of things that are usually attributed to candles/perfumes? like flowers or food or spices? is there a lean in any direction for a "stereotypical" alpha or omega scent? or are you basing them more off of the individual?

these are things I'd consider when picking scents, but I feel like I might not be able to provide suggestions unless I know what your opinion on scents in the a/b/o realm tbh

If Sbn is an omega, does he have a softer/sweeter scent? Likewise, is Yjn's scent sharper or stronger and leaning toward more of a typical cologne?

you could always go the route of having sbn be sweet/fresh bread, or if you want an unconventional scent you could always have his scent be cut through with something like nutmeg for spice or sea salt for freshness? It totally depends on both your preference and what you feel represents the characters imo. sorry for rambling hehe I got a little carried away!

i totally don’t mind the ramble dw! as for the scents for build a problem specifically it’s more based on the characters rather than the stereotypes. so for example kvi smells like fresh laundry and rain with undertones of ginger, which one may not associate with an alpha but i think it fits his character very well!

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