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down bad drrr nation · 10mo

I really like the incest. It fits well with Durarara's themes of twisted love. Plus, with the way the twins and Namie were raised, it makes sense they'd have attachment issues. But I agree, it definitely could have used a few gay sex scenes. Should have had an OVA or two just for that XD

//mention of inc*st

i will say i do acknowledge it's narrative purposes for both cases between the orihara twins and namie (i'd have a bigger issue with it if it was just done purely for no reason but comic relief purposes like some other shows which this doesn't so much considering their characters and drrr's overarching theme, i agree) but yeahhh still v uncomfy for me to sit through personally. being promised a good 15 minutes each time of a coupla guys absolutely rawdogging each other sloppy would have made them more bearable fr ToT give us some more of that "twisted love" in the form of some nice homoerotic situationships 🤞

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