Anon · 6d

can you describe beryl visiting frys room for the first time, what was that like?

beryl had just been scolded by his dad to leave his alchemist alone while hes working. beryl usually wandered over to frys workshop to ask him what kind of process he was doing to make whatever he was making, and to be fair it did slow fry down because he took his time to explain, which he wasnt used to. beryls dad is pretty old so he goes to bed relatively early and beryl found the little side building that fry had been given to sleep in. it wasnt the dead of night just around like 9pm or something and beryl pleasantly surprised fry but then he was also surprised at how tiny and cluttered the place was just after a year of living there. the only place fry could really offer him to sit was the bed. then beryl asked him questions about magic for a few hours and looked at his spellbook which was different from his alchemist book which he already looked at. fry mostly stood for a few hours because if he sat on the bed and beryls dad showed up randomly he would get extra fired for being on the bed with beryl. he always enjoys his company though. beryl probably took his book with him to read for the rest of the night and fry finally got to use his bed again. fry probably got a chair after that and once beryl had read his spells the next visits had more conversation topics that were more like, less academic, talk about work, etc, but always about magic at some point. beryl brings tea for fry to warm up with a magic circle. i think both of them have thought about a wine goss night and both silently thought that would be a badd idea. cowards

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