Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

shadowy · 9mo

Hi, Aksa! Is it okay if I follow you without replying to ssefnum? I just feel a bit late ... actually. I found your acc from oomf who's currently interacting with you from the menfess, terus aku iseng buka akun kamu dan bacain rentry. Tbh I immediately thought, "Oh! We should be moot!" Sorry I'm blabbering out of nowhere, actually there's more but I'll keep it for later (maybe not lol). However, I don't know if I wanna get caught or not but I'll click the follow button and hope we can interact soon 😶‍🌫️

Okay banget dong. Follow aja dan mari mengobrol. Don't keep it, tell me please 😾 I will waiting for you sendernim. Lets click the follow button an interact with me.

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