Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 5mo

alois anon back.. keke okay do you think they should go more into depth about the grim reaper worldbuilding? like i’ve always had so many unanswered ( obv ) abt the grim reapers… ( GRELL COME BACK I MISS YOU!!!! GRELL!!! ) and and and slso gah dont you just lauv the musicals .. ^_^

wb alois anon :3
i absolutely want to hear more about the grim reapers. i want to know how their society works, and i especially want to know how they defect...!? is it just like in the most beautiful death in the world where they just give up their glasses and run away? what do their glasses even do? because i don't think it just fixes their near-sightedness...

and i LOVE KUROMYUUUUU :sob: every weekend i treat myself by rewatching one of the musicals... this weekend i'm rewatching noahs ark circus and i'm VERY EXCITED!!!!!

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