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astro / ms · 9mo

Holds a fist out to ya. When I open it, you notice there’s a little scissor charm in my palm. ✂️ x 2

OMH. MY CRAFT TYPE..... im twirling ans giggling and i take the charm and cut a piece of paper into a heart with it. The paper is now yours

✂️1 ~ the origin of the name "foxglove" is thought to be from old english "foxes glofe/glofa", which translates to fox's glove. the people took this very literally and thought that foxes could fit their paws in the flower which would then silence their movements. however, another idea was proposed: in which foxglove comes from "folksglove", in which "folk" would mean fairy folk. Theres a lot of myths with fairies surrounding the flower, but my favourite is that the little spots in the flowers are spots where fae have touched the flowers :]
✂️2 ~ ive always fucking loved learning about poison.... that and disease :] i love flowers and animals and biology but poison and disease are where its AT..... my love of poison comes from a song as a matter of fact! It started with a song by creature feature. The next 📃 i do will feature it methinks

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