Ahri Boy · 16 answers · 12mo

How to spend a date with Arch Linux?

You open a bottle of wine. Some pizza would go great with that, so you open you web browser of choice and order one. But then you realise that the web browser is out of date, so you pacman -Suy. But it has been some time since you last used that computer, 10 GiB to download. You decide to just update the browser for now. The update went smoothly. You restart the web browser, but for some reason the font is completely f-ed up. You sigh and start the full system upgrade. After asking about 50 times which of the 30 packages that replace some library you never heard of you want to install, pacman finally starts downloading stuff. After 30 minutes it begins to verify the packages, and you open another bottle of wine. But suddenly pacman starts deleting every single package, because of some missing certificate. So you manually install archlinux-keyring. Afterwards you restart the system upgrade again, while having to reconfirm all your package choices. Two hours later you can finally order your pizza, but at this point you are so annoyed and drunk that instead you search for: "How to install Ubuntu?"

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