Chairil Anwar · 11mo

Would Sanji enjoy experimental cuisine? Like chocolate pasta, cereal with orange juice, bacon dipped in vanilla, etc. Or would he Not Enjoy Them? What are your thoughts, as Sanji's twin?

EHM EHEM.... I LOVE YOU. You know my expertise.... Heh..... Yes, I'm the Sanji expert.

I THINK he would be interested in them if he hasn't tried it yet, of course. I imagine he had tried all those combinations either during his confinement (sobs), or when he's with Zeff later at Baratie. And I think, the ingredients vary more when he got to Baratie.

The current Sanji would make them possible just because. Like he'd balance the taste of bacon and vanilla so it'd mix, or putting cereals on orange desserts instead of just juice. Idk how to work around chocolate pasta but He Will Know! He will find out because in my head, he can taste ingredients and their combinations without even tasting them first.

And remembering how Luffy is a glutton, Sanji must be really creative with what they have on hands. I hate this guy.

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