Sergio E. Wirjawan
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little ghost · 1d

btw, I just read your tweet.. I hope it's not because of me? And please just let me know if you are not comfortable because of my questions here. I hope you're okay!

nooooo, it's not because of you. karena ada yang ngequote jawaban retro saya ke lapak orang lain, makanya saya TD dulu linknya. thank you for your attention, little ghost.

little ghost · 1d

hi Sergio! aku deg-degan banget tiap mau nyamperin DM kamu ㅜㅡㅜ wkwk aku harus kirim apa ya ke DM kamuu? 🤔

little ghost · 2d

and I also want to tell you that there's something about you yang bikin aku pengen ngobrol terus sama kamu, pengen deket sama kamu, but I don't know what it is. let's just say, you're a really interesting person to be around! hehe thank you for always responding to my questions here yaa! semoga hari ini menyenangkan buat kamu! 🩷

hahaha duh malu deh saya. btw ngobrol di dm aja sini, kalau di retro kan ngga ada notifnya. jadi saya late response terus. anyway thank you, semoga hari kamu juga menyenangkan yaa.

little ghost · 2d

hi Sergioo! it's been a busy week for me, I'm sorry for not showing up a lot this week ☹️

untuk lagunya kemarin aku lagi suka aja makanya share ke kamu, tapi makasih juga udah jelasin dan make it clear hehe <3

😂 it’s totally okay! jangan kecapekan ya, jangan sampai sakit lagi. oalaaah, saya kira ada sesuatu terselubung gitu hahaha.

little ghost · 4d

btw, aku punya lagu buat kamu, but you may already know the song hehe tapi tetep dengerin yaa 🥰

thank you, enak lagunyaa. but if the song refers to me, don't worry, i’m not in a relationship with anyone else.

little ghost · 4d

asik dikangenin Sergio! 🥰 sorry ya kemarin ngga enak badannya berkepanjangan huhu semoga hari ini ngga secapek kemarin ya, semangat Sergio <3

sekarang sudah sehat? jangan lupa jaga kesehatan yaa. amen. thank you sender. have a nice day.

little ghost · 4d

hi Sergio, apa kabarnya aku tinggal 3 hari? 😛 kayanya hari ini cape yaa? semoga kamu udah bobo yang nyenyak biar besok ga loyo, have a nice dream!

lumayan kangen, jadi cek retro terus sekarang hahaha. iya lumayan capek. thank you, sender. have a good sleep too!

little ghost · 7d

good morning, Sergio! kayanya bener deh kata kamu kalau lagi musim sakit, semalem aku tiba-tiba ngga enak badan juga huhu belum deket-deket udah ketularan aja nih aku ☹️

good morning. loh kok bisa, jaga kesehatan ya, semoga cepat sembuh. kalau udah sembuh nanti ayo segera mendekat. 😌

Mary Anne · 7d

Gio coffee person atau matcha person, nih?

lebih ke coffee person sih. tapi suka juga sama matcha, matcha pilihan kedua saya setelah kopi. hbu?

little ghost · 7d

oh no.. what happened? i hope you feel better soon so i see you brighten up my timeline again 😋 mine was great and i can't wait for the weekend!

ngga enak badan sedikit aja, kayaknya emang karena lagi musim sakit? amen, thank you ya doanya. good then, the weekend is finallyyyy coming, hope you enjoy your weekend!

little ghost · 7d

kalau ngga asbun pun, pura-pura ngga tau dulu aja ya, soalnya aku malu 🤓 anyway, how was your friday?

hahaha oke siap, iya deh. 😂 all good, but I've been feeling a bit unwell since this afternoon. hbu?

little ghost · 8d

masa segampang itu ketebaknya? am I being too obvious? 🥲 jangan ditungguin, kayanya aku mau diem disini dulu ajaa hahaha

little ghost · 8d

kalau achievement mau aku tulis di CV haha. yes, kalau di timeline pernah, beberapa kali, I think? jangan ditebak dulu deh, aku jadi grogi hahaha

😂 i think i know who you are, but i’m not sure hahaha. yaudah ngga saya tebak-tebak lagi deh. ditunggu munculnya ya.

little ghost · 8d

asik bikin Sergio salting, bikin cowo ganteng salting itu achievement kan ya? haha unfortunately, we haven't talk there before..

little ghost · 8d

jarang tapi sekalinya lewat bikin penasaran tau ngga? haha but I'm too shy to send you a direct message hehe

hahaha masa sih? ah salting nih saya. hmm, pernah dm-an ngga kita? nanti saya duluan aja yang ketuk dm kamu kalau gitu.

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