Sitara Dawn

31 | I Never Know How To Fill These Out | Don’t ask me about Kirby / Eden.

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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Can you make a story of Adam X lute but with lute being on top? And Adam being the bottom

No. I’ve made it clear quite a few times that I see Adam as a Top Dom with Lute. My handle is literally “Dom!Adam Truther” lol
I cannot see Adam voluntarily submitting to a woman. Literally the closest you’ll ever get to seeing Top Lute from me is my fic “Why Dance With The Devil?” where she’s being forced to top him and neither one of them enjoy it.

Seriously, there are no shortage of fics with Top Dom Lute in them but I exclusively write Guitarspear with Top Dom Adam.

I don’t like femdom. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just trying to make it abundantly clear to everyone that I will never write Top Dom Lute.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hear me out: A one shot where lute is bodyworshipping Adams chunk and Dick girth (im begging on my hand and knees man your guitarspear fics are SOO GOOD)

Nice! I’ll make a note of this, see about writing it later! Thanks for the idea! Oh and thank you for the compliment!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

do you speak any languages besides english?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

just wanted to say I love your work and I hope you're having a good day :)

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Im in a bad place right now mentally and I read your rickorty fic "Creepy Little Grandpas Boy" and that lifted my spirits up a bit. Whatever shit you was on writing that PLEASE never stop it was so good

Awww, thank you! I’m sorry you’re in a bad place, but I’m glad my writing could lift your spirits. 😭

I hope things get better for you!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

what is your favourite rickorty duo? examples are, miami morty x miami rick, cow boy morty x cow boy rick, prime morty x c137 rick ect

C137 Rick x Morty Prime, without a doubt! I love other combos but our main characters stuck their claim on my heart first lol

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

how did you first get into the rickorty fandom? (this question might have already been asked, soz abt that!!)

I was running an incest shipping blog on Tumblr and the ship popped up a lot in arguments. I found out it was Grandpa x Grandson and was like “eh, no, not really my speed” but then I saw S1 on Hulu, shortly before S2 was to air, and was like “yeah okay, fuck it why not” and the second Rick dragged Morty off the bed… I saw the light.

Been hooked ever since! My claim to fame is that I even coined the term “c137cest” back then, as a way to avoid anti’s complaining about the ship name (rickmorty, back then) being too close to the show title.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

That prime Clone OC drawing is because he refers to Kirby as 'the rat' and drew a rabbit being killed, knowing Kirby is associated with rabbits. They drew fucked up transphobic art of him being a girl and even made fun of his physical appearance.

Kirbys been harassed for weeks and this was the icing on the cake.

I have no idea what you’re even talking about. Kirby blocked me for reasons I neither know nor care about so that’s all there is to it.

Anyway, fuck off and don’t mention Kirby to me again. I’m not involved in this ordeal and I refuse to be. ✌️

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Kirby tried to commit suicide tonight because of your friends Prime and his little gang.

Did you just go through all of Prime’s followers & decide to send this shit to whoever had a Retrospring? Because I know you’ve sent this to multiple people.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

I really love your fanfiction!!! Your stories are some of my favorites!

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