
Constantly driven by an insatiable thirst for exploration.

Jonquiére, Saguenay.
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ָ · 20h

Oppa can I be your sister pls!!

Irie’s visitor · 1d

do you currently set an eye on someone?

Well, I’ve got my eyes on myself—haha, I’m joking, or maybe not. Okay, let’s be serious. At the moment, I’m not interested in anyone and I honestly don’t plan to be. One, I want to stay free. Two, love scares me.

· 1d

If you were a color, what color would represent you, oppa? And why?

Red because it represents passion, energy, and vibrancy—qualities that resonate with my personality.

Maia · 1 answer · 14d

What’s one of the best, if not the most interesting, compliment you’ve ever gotten?

Well, this might be cliché, but to me, all compliments are the best. Any kind words that successfully touch my heart are truly the best.

Maia · 1 answer · 14d

At what point does “love requires effort” becomes toxic and unnatural?

When they overdo it and forget to look after themselves, they believe they’re acting out of love. However, it turns into “I'm afraid to lose you, so I’ll do everything for you,” which ultimately harms them. They forget about their own needs and only focus on their partner, leaving no space or privacy for themselves. It’s sad.

Maia · 1 answer · 14d

Thoughts on Maia.

Maia is a gentle soul who always looks after others, constantly showering them with kind and comforting words. She should make more friends so that more people can experience her presence, as everyone needs someone like her in their life.

Maia · 1 answer · 14d

If you could choose just ONE colour to exist in this world, which colour would it be?

Irie’s visitor · 15d

hm.. nah maybe. 😅 looks like you already have so many friends though, i don’t think you need a new one.

Who said that? I don’t limit the number of people who want to befriend me. If you genuinely want to be my friend, my friendship door is wide open.

Irie’s visitor · 16d

hey i’m not ur mutual but i often see you passed by, it must be lovely to be your friend, tho.

Oh, hi! Thank you for your kind words—I’m honoured. If you’re saying so, why not be my friend?

Irie’s visitor · 19d

What’s your ideal type on girl? And let’s say you meet your type but she is not your bias, would you still attracted?

I think my ideal type has changed over time, but I definitely want someone understanding and very supportive of whatever I do. I don’t mind who you are, even if you’re not my bias. If I enjoy your company and our connection deepens, I will be attracted to you.

Irie’s visitor · 19d

I'm someone who stumbled upon you on different occasions, not one of your mutuals, simply a stranger who admires you. I do see something special about you but that's something for me to keep. Maybe someday I may be able to let you in on it. You can call me however you address me with, a nickname or something. One fact about me is I'm not using an idol as my face-claim but a rare one.

Oh—I can’t believe I appeared on others’ timelines or ads, considering I rarely mingle with my friends publicly these days. Anyway, thank you for saying that, though I don’t know what’s special about me, haha. Your words made my night. Please, take your time. Be my friend when you’re ready, whether you’re a well-known idol or not, I don’t mind. As for a nickname, I’m truly bad at giving nicknames, especially to someone I’m not close with, sorry. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Maia · 21d

What are some pet peeves that have somehow appeared (in RP)?

I would say—when people are very picky about making friends and only want to talk to their own circles. It used to be fun because everyone wanted to befriend anyone, but nowadays, most people are so selective.

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