Anonymous · 1mo

Now that I think about it, does chuuya remembers dazai's heat? Like, we have never seen him throw hints about it because that would piss dazaiz off lmao, and ylu described it that it was a very animalistic experience for both of them, so I wanna ask if chuuya roes remember, contrary to dazai. Or if he's just like him and only remembers a few parts of it
For what I understood from your words is that dazai forgot because it was his first time with an alpha so his brain was over the sky, probably high as fuck, and that the feeling of being knotted couldn't compare to his toys (xD) had something to do too. He was living a newly but very pleasant experience he never had before while being high with his heats pheromones, so that's probably why he forgot it and only remembers the feeling and one than other moment. As for chuuya, does he remember it in his entirety? I know he remembers more than dazai, that's for sure. (Also when he mentioned that he noticed in dsxais heat that he doesn't have a nest) BC for chuuya could be like, his first time with someone that has a smell that makes him an addict and drives him crazy, a smell he got obsessed over + getting high and brain-dead with dazai's heat pheromones

Chuuya remembers a lot from the beginning of Dazai’s heat e.g. the nest thing. But overall everything is still pretty blurry for him too because he was so concentrated on the perfect omega under him that his instincts took over and nothing else really seemed to matter after that🧍🏻

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