Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

What made you ship almond?

Mona story 4. I am a sucker for found family, and then they threw in some Hexenzirkel lore and I was hooked. I am also very fond of rivals/co-workers dynamic so that was the initial bait! However, with how the narrative is shaping, I find them a lot softer around each other, at the very least, soft enough for Mona to rant to Albedo about her master, and share bits of her life. Seeing as they work together, I also like that he seems to respect her abilities! This is a bit more of an HC, but I also like to think that she's quite aware of his future, as her VL for him strangely doesn't talk about it at all in comparison to everyone else.

There wasn't a specific AHA! moment, but a combination of little things I adore that made me like them.

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