Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Rose_the_fox · 9mo

Hi um hi uh do you think um do you think Eden would make Ibara's office their hangout spot cause it's safe and soundproofed? Do you think Jun-kun would go there to take Ibara's phone and play games on it while he works? Do you think Nagisa goes there to read? Do you um do you think Hiyori goes there when he feels sad and overwhelmed cause Ibara's probably the only person he doesn't feel the need to protect and can show his own darkness to because Ibara's probably seen worse....
Me when I'm ibahiyo brained and all I think about is ibahiyo um I'm so sorry fell free to shoot me 😔😔😔

ITS OK what if when ibaras stressed they all just kinda stand like ok guys what do we do and then they come and bring him small treats to cheer him up

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