
bad children get sent to the

pear wiggler
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anony · 1y


anony · 1y


anony · 1y

it’s more obvious who i am now that ive mentioned the ship hahahaahah IM SO PARANOID

anony · 1y

why do i actually feel like im about to cry oml -comf

anony · 1y

im juststst. ugh. seeing neg of them makes me feel bad for ever liking them in the first place now my motivation gone down cause i cant write them cause I know people won’t like them even though im probably gonna tag the fic but still i just . Ugh

anony · 1y

im literally super paranoid when you block me -comf.

i promise i won't block you it's just something that make me uncomfy i wouldn't block a mutual over that i promise to tag neg from now on

anony · 1y

you got it right… unfortunately :( j wanna stop liking them so bad taht i can actually be at peace and have other interests but they’re my SPECIAL INTERETS everyone’s fav things are fading after a year meanwhile mine are still so attachment. like they’re such a big comfort it fucking hurts and I wanna stop liking it so fucking bad. also me liking it could probably hint to who I am but im nervous and im so sorry if i made you uncomfortable in any way im just. eughhhhh

COMF ANON IT'S OKAY you don't have to stop liking things just because other people dislike it!!

anony · 1y

S……… sorry i feel unable. im like a baby saying it’s first words. I mean you can guess which one it is just from S alone

anony · 1y

OKAYYYY….. sorry i mention that ship around everyone else but NOT YOU cause. i mean you DO post neg of it. you act like you fucking wished they were never shipped -comf

anony · 1y

ok so since you definitely do not like them I CHECKED YOUR POFILE YOU HATE THE M. YOU DO okay sooooooo tag neg of them pretty please :) and its pretty kinda recent to like 2 neg posts of it! wowowwww! like i wanna mention iy so bad but I can’t LOL not gonna talk about a ship you hate straight to ur face.

anony · 1y

yuri diagnosis

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