Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 11mo

Nawt the fake eldest boy... anyway I'm torn between Roman (unhealthy amount of humor as escapism) and Shiv (ini sih,,, ahk, sudahlah,,, 😁). MAAF belum apa-apa sudah overshare, jadi malu. Hehe. Adaine... suka Dominic Sessa? 😊

Some of us would absolutely choose to live in delusion just to be the most well-adjusted of their dysfunctional siblings, and Connor’s pretty real for that, IDK BFF… THE “AHK, SUDAHLAH”? But I actually really want to meet you one day after reading your reasoning for Roman. Humor as escapism friend 🤝🏻 Delusion as eacapism friend…? 🫶🏻

(Also I don’t mind the oversharing hehehe there’s very few better ways to break the metaphorical ice)

IYA… SUKA… He’s so naturally cool and he likes Phantom of the Opera and his film debut was THE HOLDOVERS…?? Menurutmu dia Y/N, gak sih?

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