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_(:3 」∠)_ · 15d

Do you mind if I ask what brushes you use? :]

_(:3 」∠)_ · 1mo

What colour do you picture when you think of your own fanworks' vibe? mysteriously vague answers supported and encouraged

_(:3 」∠)_ · 2mo

Hello, Static! I know you like Mobrei the most but I don't think you dislike Reimob either, so I got curious what kinda Reimob you like to see!

mb · 9 answers · 2mo

i’m not sure what this “ask your followers” feature does, like is it just going to show up in everyone’s inboxes? anyway what’s a song/album/artist you’ve been super into recently

I've gotten myself into Placebo again after many years :] I've been listening to "Meds" and "sleeping with ghosts" albums. They are great for background sound when I'm drawing.

_(:3 」∠)_ · 2mo


_(:3 」∠)_ · 2mo

How old do you hc Suzuki mom to be!!!

_(:3 」∠)_ · 2mo

How long have you been drawing digitally?

It's gonna be something like 11 years now! I started when I was 13 and used the touchpad built into my laptop to draw in Gimp. At 16 I got a drawing tablet and I'm using it to this day, although it's quite worn out now :)

_(:3 」∠)_ · 2mo

Your top 5 mob psycho 100 ships?

  1. Mobrei
  2. Toichiro x Mrs Suzuki (so sad I don't know her name..)
  3. Ritmob
  4. Seritoi
  5. Ritshou

I put them in an order starting with the ones that are most on my mind currently but it changes from time to time.

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