Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 2y

Anon from last time, back again because WHAT English isn't your first language???? That's insane!!!! There wasn't enough characters to fit in all my praise but I also wanted to add that you have a way of writing with just the right amount of description so the bare essence of pure emotion rlly comes through while reading the words and I legitimately thought you were a native English speaker bc wow!!!! The feelings your fics evoked!!!! Made me go feral!!! So yea you're super amazing ghost ty for writing <333

anon i love you... you are amazing... and too kind, i really appreciate it aaa :') thank YOU for reading my stuff it really does mean the world to me that i'm not rambling into an empty void haha i'm so lucky to have such nice people around me <3 this is such high praise and knowing that my writing makes people feel things makes my heart very warm. you're so lovely. i hope your day is as incredible as you are!

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