Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 2y

hey, hello! i just want to say that I really like your cynonari works - they are a masterpiece. I love them so much because, first of all. the way your describe how cyno treats tighnari - it just does something to my heart. And that's why I wonder if you could let me translate your "on-air" into russian, for russian fanfiction website Of course, I'll do the credits and the link to the original work properly. I also texted you in twt but ig you haven't seen my message

heya! my apologies, i'm pretty bad at responding, so any and all replies everywhere are very slow. i'm so glad you like my stuff, but while i used to accept fic translations, i no longer do, since it's taxing to keep track of them all. very sorry! have a nice day :)

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