inhahe · 2y

omg there are sooo many songs that are so much worse than autechre. i haven't heard them in years, but I remember them being okay. none good enough to keep though apparently, because I have none on my computer. but I always thought they were cool because they developed their own DAW plugin to help them make their music.

I had to think about this for a few seconds until I remembered what profile picture I uploaded 😅

Personally, Autechre is amazing, I don't love every single track they've released, but I do have dozens of favorites. I still find the meme funny because I 100% get what it's like to hear Autechre for the first time, when your usual music taste isn't anywhere near IDM. Everything has its place though, right? Different music for running (Lightning Bolt), different music for programming (BoC, Autechre, 65dos), different music for dozing off (Mogwai - Music for the Forgotten Future).

Autechre making an AI to cooperate with them on making music is the most Autechre thing they could have done, and I respect them for it. Saw them live in 2017 or so, and it's still a fave memory, minus the loud drunk fools spoiling the concert for everyone else.

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