Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a real qt or stinki potato loser · 1y

Tell me about it lol the amount of times I clicked on their account bcos they tweeted some stupid ass take and the bio says smth like “No.1 HC fan!” and you scroll and scroll down their tweets and turns out they are a multi stan of different kpop groups and hc is nowhere to be found in any of their tweets for the last 5 days. Like if you are gonna write hot takes at least put a neutral pfp or bio instead of using him. Of course I haven’t even started on those unitzens who also do the exact same thing like you claim you love him but where is his face in your tweets? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND

or maybe dont write hot takes on a guy u dont seem to pay enough attention to in the first place LMAOOO

unitzen sfs somehow worse than the multifandom one but maybe its bc we hate any form of [ ]zen breed BFJDJC

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