Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonie ♡ · 26d

Something 2024 taught you ab friendships Good bad anything?

A lot actually 😂 one of my reasons to make this page back in 2021 was to make some friends but that actually changed this year. I learnt that you shouldn't trust anyone too much here, don't open up too much, don't be there for someone too much that they start taking you for granted or shit like that, just create boundaries (ig that's what i learnt?) and keep ppl at bay, don't be too harsh but if you think someone is not good for your mental health cut them off. Friendships this year fucked me so bad i am literally afraid to get too close to ppl here now, i am happy with the ones i have and the ones who might come along in future but I've learnt to stay in my lane and not open up too much coz at the end of the day if someone knows you inside out they'll eventually make fun of your insecurities as if they are the most secure mfers out there lol. So about friendships I've learnt to never get too involved with or attached to anyone, they all hurt the same (did i make sense? I wanted to say a lot but idk how to or if i was able to lol)

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