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Anonymous Coward · 2y

Congrats on finishing heart beats!!!! I love it smmm well done!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

i've reread heart beats so many times over the past few months because of ur flawless zc characterization and beautiful prose. i just wanted to thank u for such a gorgeous fic that has been so comforting at rough points in my life. ur childe is so anguished; so many parts and the ending really suckerpunched me in the best way (the hopeless zc lover in me likes to think they will cross paths again, even if that's maybe missing the point). i will be thinking about this fic for a very long time <3

this is literally so sweet 🥺 it like genuinely amazes me when my writing can affect someone and also makes me really happy, like that's the point of art being shared! and likewise all the nice comments like this have rlly made my mood better,,
(i also like to think their paths will cross again ! i am a very conflicted person who enjoys both tragedy and happy endings )

Anonymous Coward · 2y

hi idk how to tell u this but i think heart beats is my favourite zc fic??? your writing is god tier omg. congrats on finishing it and i shall be binge reading all of it again this weekend mwah

tysm i really appreciate it! some parts of writing the last chap in particular were difficult and i definitely may have agonized over if it'd end up good but i'm really really glad ppl ended up enjoying it!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

ty for writing heart beats 😭 it's my fav zc fic ever

awwww ty!! there's definitely no lack of incredible zc fics out there so it's an honor !

Anonymous Coward · 2y

HELLLOOO THAT NEW CHAPTER WAS SO GOODHDDBBE?2?2??21! i was wondering if you could maybe explain childe’s whole thought process during his breakdown near the end and maybe go into more depth of why he responded like that??? i just think your characterization of him is super interesting and i wanna know more!!! :0

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I don't smoke but I feel like I need a ciggy after reading your sex scenes, and your violence scenes. They're so satisfying

thank u, i love that compliment !! a good testimonial. 'sex scenes u wanna smoke a cig after'

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hello good morning night idk heart beats is one of my absolute fav zhongchi fics <3 tysm for writing, i always go back to read it and I'm reading chapter 4 rn. Sm angst!!! Amazing job, get the high u deserve and also do u like strawberries

thank you! ppl rereading my stuff is always such high praise like wow i cant believe it's interesting to read more than once?? and yes i like strawberries. like some strawberries are just mediocre but then sometimes you get the perfect fresh juicy sweet strawberry and you remember why you eat them in the first place

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