Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

creep. · 4mo

The picture of your boot that you posted has me thinking. How pretty you would look, panting like the dumb little mutt that you are, as I sit you down, driving my own boot between your legs. Each time you get even slightly close, kicking you down onto the floor. That's where dogs belong, isn't it? You are a dog, aren't you? I know how badly you want to be kicked back onto the floor as you try to get up, but if you stay down like a good dog, I promise that can be your treat - aching, dark, blue-purple bruises across your thighs and torso. ~ 🌌

i am a dog!! and it's where i belong. :( you've been watching me a while, how you know all that about me? but i promise to be good, i'll do anything for my treat. please, please. i'd looking so pretty wearing your bruises while i'm on the ground. and i'd keep my thighs so nice and open!! :( woof.

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