Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

creep. · 4mo

Such a cute little thing. I think you have mistaken: "I need this to be done to me", and "I need you to do this to me" there, sweetheart. I want to train your little doggy brain to perfectly understand where it gets its stimulation from. Even under the influence, you'll gaze up at me, while I defile you, touching you in ways you have never experienced before, and never will again. It might just be your first and last. Before I make you my own forever-eternalised angel. ~ 🌌

:( oh, i'm sorry, 🌌. i need you to do that to me. how careless of me!! i'll do better!! i'll be so, so, so good for you not to make it my last though. i'll and beg real sweet and bare my neck and everything!! i promise. :(

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