Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

FRIEND (?) · 4mo


hiiii i want to preface this by saying that you are not the first one to ask me for more stuff, nor am i mad in any way. unfortunately, i did want to address it at some point and you are the unlucky individual that i'm responding to :( so just know i'm not picking on you directly, it just so happens that your ask is the one i chose.

i appreciate your enthusiasm and in no way am i trying to make you feel bad about this, but i Just posted a thousand words! that's a lot of words! that i'm giving out For Free!!!!

i'm very glad you enjoyed it but in the future, please keep in mind that many authors (myself included) don't really enjoy getting comments like these because it puts a lot of pressure on us :) we write for fun, and personally, i write for myself first, and whoever wants to listen second. that's something that will never change for me, which is why i don't do writing comms nor do i take requests!

anyway if i do have any more vampire content i'll be Sure to share it with you because i don't want to gatekeep them!!! thank you for loving my brainworms <3

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