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anṓnumos · 2mo

Siap bapakkk~ 🫡🫡🫡🫡 selamat malam mingguan, pak dammie~ ㅡ🐋

anṓnumos · 2mo

Hehhehehe its okay, dam~ udah lebih baik, cuma suaraku belum normal aja jadi agak serik dan berat yg nyiksa hehehehe btw, have a nice day ㅡ🐋

arsha · 18 answers · 2mo

temen temen gimana Mei nya sejauh ini? apakah happy? capek? sedih?

Never been so random like this. A lot of vacation I got, is nearly got me being stressed out.

Noi. · 4 answers · 2mo

I've just been interested in Japanese songs lately, could you recommend your fav one?

anṓnumos · 2mo

stop pretending that you don't know that you are attractive lol

anṓnumos · 2mo

Dam~ I’m not really good seh, soalnya lagi batpil dan kondisiku kayak bocil yg idungnya disumpel tissue ㅡ🐋

Hi! Sorry sometimes I forget about this account lol. Ah, bad conditions. I hope you are feeling better now.

𖹭 · 54 answers · 3mo

pilih satu diantara pringles, mr. potato, lays, potato q, piattos, chitato, japota, dan potabee! 🥔

𖹭 · 64 answers · 3mo

are you a 'zodiac' person?

Do you mean I like astrology? if that's what you mean, I actually doesn't follow astrology so much but sometimes it's fun to read some of the points.

𖹭 · 55 answers · 3mo

menurut kamu mana yang lebih jahat, pesugihan atau santet?

anṓnumos · 3mo

Hewooooooo~ busy hottest guy~ apakabar kamu??? ㅡ🐋

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