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anony-mouse · 11mo

Your favourite character from your wips? And one who gives you a lot of trouble? ✨️

ooo! from all of my wips, my favorite character is kjd in,,, three of them! in one, he's a guy who wakes up out of cryosleep feeling guilty for the choices he made in life and the story follows him finding his peace (aliens r involved too LOL); in another, he's bbh's childhood bestfriend but they stopped talking during a war and then afterwards were reconvened by kms, but its not as chipper as they would hope; and in the last he's a mob boss whose kid goes and falls in love with the opposing mob boss's son, and he's pretty mellow in that one—more reserved than in the other two—but he's still very sharp and cunning and cut-throat. im very excited for all of those wips for a multitude of reasons, but esp because of the flavors of kjd in them!

the one who gives me the Most trouble is normally minseok, but thats just bc i worry that i get baekchen goggles and dont rly develop him to the degree i want? i find him fascinating, love reading meta about him, love him in cbx, but i think he's one of the more enigmatic guys to me.

the one currently giving me the most trouble is ksoo in the same wip as the one above where baekchen r childhood besties. his motivations got murky somewhere, so im having to go back and really expand a lot of background things OTL

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