Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anony-mouse · 11mo

I'm a big fan of your subaeks so I wanted to ask if you've considered writing a sequel, prequel, or expanding the dog gospel or siege of hell AUs in any way?

hehe thank you!!! both of these AUs have expansions that I work on from time to time! Dog Gospel has a prequel named Madonna Promise that's set in the same timeline as Dog Gospel but focuses on different years/events and will actually push further than the initial story to end a little bit later! Siege of Hell has a long-fic paired with it that I'm working on! Right now, it's more of a sequel to SOH in that it's taking place after the events of that, but it's also still pretty rough—so it might end up covering events from before it and whatnot~

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