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anony-mouse · 11mo

thoughts on seho? 👉👈

oh fascinating!! in the fic sense i like seho when it leans into age-gap and manipulation/co-dependency, and thats most of the thinking i do on them (i also like both of them in relation to bbh, but not as a super strong ot3? i like them as tangentially connected/sexually connected, but not necessarily all romantically connected). i have blinders on for bbh and kjd when it comes to dissecting them so UNFORTUNATELY i dont super look into sehun? and how he Is, but i think the positioning of kjm and he in the group and how theyre Perceived by the others, and the way they've been publicly (weird) is very interesting, it just doesnt key the part of my brain that really goes batshit.

theyre one of those pairings that i Understand ppl rly liking, but personally i skew each of them towards having moved on from one another... kjm to bbh mostly and osh to pcy mostly

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