Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

seedling · 7mo

this is gonna sound accusatory but i am really am curious- why do you use he/him as a lesbian

Hi!! Great question!! I personally feel like pronouns are kind of not connected to gender in some immovable eternal way, and serve more of a social purpose !!! they’re a tool for communication !!! and for me, as someone who has a weird little relationship with my gender, but who presents quite feminine irl, I found that using he/him was the fastest way to communicate my gender weirdness while letting me dress how I want! + it lets me filter out ppl I don’t want to be friends with, vs people who think it’s cool, the kind of people I wanna know more !!!! And online I use he/him bc I prefer to be perceived kinda more masculine! :^3 hope that helps !! Always happy to talk about this !!

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