Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

puck :D · 5mo

hi souma i don't know if you still check this but its puck !! i'm so sad that twitter is getting removed from brazil, i truly, truly hope you're doing well + i wish you all the best for the future. thank you so much for being so sweet and loving to everyone, we will miss you so much <3

Oh, Puck, my dear friend, I also wish you all the best in your future and that it be bright! Please don't worry about me 💚 I will be fine, so you stay well too, okay? But, as much as possible, don't be too hard on yourself. I should be the one thanking you for being so kind with your words, and I will miss all of you so much more... May we be able to reunite in the future. I love you, Puck. Take care.

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